“In the time of darkest defeat, victory may be nearest.”
–William McKinley
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Powerful Pear
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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Protests at the Kavanaugh hearings, in elevators at the Capitol, (below) walkouts and dressing in black across the country, across the world, have helped the country avoid the "inevitable" Kavanaugh confirmation for at least a week. Once again, the pundits have underestimated the collective power of grassroots social action.
It appears there are three particular inconsistencies between Kavanaugh's and Ford's accounts that the FBI can focus their investigation. And another person of interest that could provide some corroboration.
And the calendar entry for July 1st appears to be the most likely time the party took place with all the witnesses.
Kavanaugh's little lies just might add up.
in one of those weird go around/comes around moments, the defining memo comes from the Starr office, written by a young lawyer, now federal judge, who argued that perjury rises to an impeachable offense.
and the complaint has since been filed in the court of jurisdiction with the chief justice of that federal court.
Kavanaugh wrote the brief. Garland is the Chief Justice of the DC Circuit
That article was written a month ago. Surely there is a process to file a complaint, formal charges, a suit?
That might be a bit too powerful for an FB repost, but wow.
There are plenty more at this link: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/9/29/1799939/-The-Kavanaugh-Hearings-in-Cartoons
While we were being distracted yesterday…
Are Buck-Coffman-Tipton campaigning on this cut?
Ah, yes. Those three epitomes of fiscal responsibility resorting to attempted bribery. I'm only surprised they didn't toss in another meaningless vote to overturn the ACA as well. They well know this isn't going to get past the Senate since it still needs 60 votes in that chamber.
GOP hypocrisy lives!
Tipton is in standard talking points mode. His 3rd CD Republicans nod sagely since they've heard it on the almighty Hannity.
Gawd I hope there is sanity in Pueblo!
Nothing to see here, Gertie. Move along. MAGA!!!
That's why I love those guys. They give me just one more reason to live. Kavanaugh is not going to be seated. He can't hide his past now.
It may be that T***p will want to scuttle it himself. I am sure he fears the mid-terms much more than not having his hot-headed partisan warrior on the bench. He ( the Yam) won't abide by any court decision, anyway.
This is the presidents chance to try to save his ass. He can afford to nominate an even worse asshole if and after the Trumplicans© keep control of Congress. If he believes it will help him control things, he will betray anyone.
Trump was ready to abandon Kavanaugh after Ford's convincing testimony. So Kavanaugh signaled Trump what he'd do for him if he was confirmed
Modern Republicans in search of their party's values:
Family ValuesAll morality rules suspended if you are a Republican.Small Governmentexcept for corporate welfare, big-farm payoutsFiscal ResponsibilityRecord deficits and federal spendingFear the dwindling of the white majority ! (Fear the outsider. Fear the gays. Fear the Muslims. Fear the immigrants. Lock them all up! )
Control the means of reproduction. Women have babies according to the needs of the state, and are relegated to second class citizenship.
Corporate Citizenship. End all regulation. Use up all the resources, pollute everything, let the next generation suck it up.
Military Industrial Complex. Endless wars outsourced to private contractors.
Emulate Despots, Dictators, and Autocrats. End of the first amendment. (then the 2nd, and so on….)
EXCELLENT summary.
I would add "IGNORE problems like climate change, as they are too big to be solved, anyway."
Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball is apparently tired of their coverage of 2018 …. they have an article about the Senate in 2020. And Colorado leads their list. We're #2 … after the Alabama race with Doug Jones.