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May 02, 2006 08:00 AM UTC

Where's the Beef?

  • by: Colorado Pols

The Rocky Mountain News editorial board weighs in on the accusations from the Bob Beauprez campaign against Marc Holtzman and his campaign manager Dick Leggitt:

So Dick Leggitt, Marc Holtzman’s campaign manager, admitted last week that he made up poll numbers last fall out of thin air. Then he fed them to the media to show that Holtzman’s name identification had skyrocketed while attacking Referendum C. Leggitt, testifying at a hearing, defended the false information as “spin.”

Leggitt’s admission has prompted outrage in Republican rival Bob Beauprez’s camp, which insists that the bogus poll information was a lie that is punishable by law. What’s more, Leggitt should be fired, they say. Colorado law says no person may “knowingly” make a false statement “designed to affect the vote” for anyone running for public office.

We have a somewhat different take on this matter.

If Holtzman wants to employ someone who lies to the press in such brazen fashion, that’s his business. Journalists will adjust their reports depending on whether they feel they can trust anything he now says. For some, the answer will be no. But as for there being an obligation to fire Leggitt, that’s nonsense. The Colorado law is – or at least should be – unconstitutional. You can’t outlaw false campaign rhetoric, intentional or not. Indeed, we can hardly think of anything more destructive to free speech than inviting courts to rule on political truthfulness and honesty

Leggitt’s unusual admission came out of an ongoing hearing on a complaint filed by lobbyist Steve Durham against Holtzman involving another law that should be junked. …

…Durham’s complaint, of course, is nothing more than a partisan – make that intrapartisan – squabble. He’s an avowed supporter of Beauprez. The law violations he alleged just happen to be convenient cudgels with which to bludgeon the opponent.

Speaking of coordination, is Durham working with Beauprez? He says he’s not. But who’s paying his legal fees? Durham said that’s attorney-client privilege. The no-lying law is worse than useless. The no-coordination law is a straitjacket on free speech. Candidates should compete on the campaign trail, not in the courtroom.




54 thoughts on “Where’s the Beef?

  1. Kind of ironic that a group comes out against people who use the party name to support Democrats – then get sued by the party for using the name.

    If the State Party put that much effort into stopping Democrats from using the name Republican when they support John Kerry, Ken Salazar, John Salazar and other Dems like Buescher – maybe they would not have lost so many seats.

    My guess is the Republican party and it’s leaders will come out looking like the fools on this one!

  2. …Durham’s complaint, of course, is nothing more than a partisan – make that intrapartisan – squabble. He’s an avowed supporter of Beauprez. The law violations he alleged just happen to be convenient cudgels with which to bludgeon the opponent.


    So the Rocky editors seem to care less for the lying than the supposed reason for it?  Or is it that the connection Liggett made was to the Denver Post?

    Either way, Liggett is now an anchor to his boss’s campaign efforts, and the Rocky editor appears to be conveniently ignoring that fact.

    I find this sentiment by the editor to be a bit bizarre:

    “But as for there being an obligation to fire Leggitt, that’s nonsense. The Colorado law is – or at least should be – unconstitutional. You can’t outlaw false campaign rhetoric, intentional or not. Indeed, we can hardly think of anything more destructive to free speech than inviting courts to rule on political truthfulness and honesty. “

    Does the Rocky editor actually think it’s acceptable to KNOWINGLY spread falsehoods?  If so, it makes me wonder what’s acceptable inside their own newsroom.

    That said, the only sensible comment in the editorial is the very last sentence.

  3. Yeah, my campaign manager admitted in court that he lied outright to a reporter and it’s all over the press.  Nothing less than a total victory for Holtzman.

  4. shamus,

    Don’t you understand?  Any attention, positive or negative, is good.  This flap about lying only helps Holtzman!

    Oh wait, did I say Holtzman?  I meant Ritter.

  5. WOW.  I actually agree with the RMN & BMR’s last sentence.  Candidates should compete on the campaign trail, not in the courtroom. 

    I wonder if BB has any votes or comments against those “sue-crazy” lawyers?

  6. Plains Dem……it may be purely coincidence, but did not Frank “Have You Been Hurt in a Car Wreck” Azar contribute to “Both Ways” Bob’s campaign for governor?

  7. Maybe the RMN is taking this stance as the whole thing shows how easy it is for a journalist (and a newspaper) to take a line of b.s. and produce it as factual news, without doing any corroborating homework of his/her own?  The egg is on more than one face…

  8. And Frank Azar also gave $2,000 to Patty Murray’s (Democrat) Senate campaign in Washington.

    And Frank Azar also gave $2,000 to Dave Thomas'(Democrat) Colorado CD-7 campaign.

    And Frank Azar also gave $2,000 to Tony Knowles’ (Democrat) Senate campaign in Alaska.

    And Frank Azar also gave $700 to Gene Nichols (Democrat) Colorado CD-2 campaign.

    Frank Azar has also donated to: 

    John Salazar (Democrat) CD-3: $2,000
    Chris Dodd (Democrat, Connecticut): $2,000
    John Kerry (Democrat): $2,000
    Colorado Democratic Party:  $10,000

  9. And $25,000 to the Colorado Democratic Party in 2001.

    And $6,000 to Ken Salazar.

    His total political contributions are $122,800.

    Anyone who wants to get a rundown on what political party got donations can visit here:


  10. We already knew trial lawyers love the Dems, just look at their last VP candidate, and those Azar contribution numbers seem to confirm it.

    The real question is, why do they like Beauprez so much?

  11. They should bring their complaint to DA Pete Hautzinger in Mesa County.  He may attempt to make any statement look like a lie. 

    This new law can be manipulated any way imaginable.  Any DA with an axe to grind – or any politician who wants to silence his opponent can use this new tool.

    Those Dems who want to go after trail head – can take up their cause with any DA in Colorado who will listen to them.

    Perhaps even Hautzinger will take up the cause for them.  But only if he doesn’t like Trailhead.

  12. that is interesting, pompeius magnus. it’s almost like beauprez has been bought by the lawyer-lobbyists. I thought republicans were against lawyer-lobbyists. very interesting.

  13. if anyone has egg on their faces its the DP.  Lets assume the numbers were fictitious, what ever happended to the old jouranlistic adage of F.A.C.T. – Fast, Accurate, Concise, and Truthful?  The DP should have confirmed the data before running to press.

    As for the BB people, isn’t it convenient that Mr. Durham chooses to use the cloak of Client/Attorney priviledge.  Can you say, COWARDS are as COWARDS do.  Probably has Trailhead written all over it.  If thats the case, it probably has Benson and Owens up to their gills.

    Isn’t it written somewhere that Bad Press (negative) is better than no press?

  14. Lets see. First Bob (the principle conservative) gets the Democrats to co-sponsor his legislation by a two-to-one margin over Republicans.  Then he accepts campaign contrabutions from Frank (the strong pits) Azar (who contributes to nearly every walking and talking Democrat in the United States.

    Again.  Where is this conservative in the Beaupreaz campaign cause I’m not seeing it.

    Hey girls, did you really think that the Holtzman Camp would simply roll over and die? 

    Heres a good campaign solgan:

    Hi, Im’ Bob (I’ve got more Democrats supporting me than you) Beauprez and I want to be your next governor, damn it.  I can win against the Democrats, because I walk, talk, and vote like one.  Besides, I owned a Dairy Farm and I know more about cows than Bill Ritter. 

    P.S.: I bought my cowboy hat at the same discount chain store as the other goat ropers running for public office.

  15. Hottamale, I don’t think you have to “assume the numbers were fictitious.”

    “So Dick Leggitt, Marc Holtzman’s campaign manager, admitted last week that he made up poll numbers last fall out of thin air.”RMN

  16. What do Bill Clinton and Bob
    Beauprez have in common?  They both dodged the draft to avoid going to Vietnam.

    What does Bob Beauprez and Chris Dodd, and the Democrat National Committee have in common?  They all received money from Frank (the ambulance backed over me ) Azar.

    What does Bob Beaupreaz, John Salazar, and Mark Udall have in common.  John Salazar and Mark udall have co-sponsored more Beauprez bills than the Republican delegation (2 to 1 margin).

    What does Bob Beauprez, Tom Tancredo, Marily Musgrave, and Joel hefley have in common?  Nothing.  Beauprez voted for more government spending than anyother member of the Colorado Delegation.  Indeed, Beauprez voted more liberally than Mark Udall and Diana DeGette.

  17. …and yet none of the conservatives you place on such a high platform will endorse your candidate Mr.Handy… if you think so highly of Tancredo, Musgrave, and Hefley, shouldnt you trust their choice in a candidate? I know, you just want to hand the election to ritter.
    the more we argue and tear apart our fellow R’s thats exactly what we’re doing- handing it to the dems.

  18. they were “encouraged” to endorse beauprez. it’s not like their endorsements came from the heart. you act like they love the guy. they don’t even like him. tancredo, especially, can’t stand him. hence, the letter. don’t be so naive or disingenuous.

  19. hilarious guy, you’ve just called Tancredo, Musgrave and Hefley, people I admire for thier consrvative values, disengenious, or liars or people who don’t act in a moral manner. What’s with that? You think they’re disengenious for endorsing Bob B. They are great Coloradans and great Americans, You sir are a scoundrel for disparinging them.

  20. pull the pine out of your ass, torrypines, and re-read my post. they don’t like beauprez. they didn’t endorse him because they like him. they endorsed him because they were “encouraged” to do so. beauprez and his supporters are being naive or disingenous when they tell people these endorsements are important.

  21. I preferred a trial lawyer for V.P. than the ex-CEO of Halliburton.  BTW, how much did you pay to fill your tank this week?  How much of that money goes to that oil industry services provider, Halliburton?  GO EDWARDS-RODHAM CLINTON ’08!

  22. This is textbook stuff. The last dying gasps of the Holtzman campaign — spewed out all over Colorado Pols.

    Time to give up while your boss has a shred of dignity left.

  23. When Leggitt made the statement to the reporter, BB wasn’t even a candidate yet.

    This is just a political ploy, Durham did the same same for BB against Joe Rogers.

    A lot of people are down on the negative campaigning and BB just started it by attacking MH’s character. Shame on BB. If for some reason he does win the primary, he needs the MH supporters to beat Ritter. He won’t get that support like this.

    As for all of BB’s endorsements, most of them had pressure put on them, I understand that some were threatened with primarys. Back one in the corner and ask if he questions MH’s credentials and guess what the answer is? No, they can’t question hos credentials.

    Does everyone really think that when MH wins the primary that the ones that are endorsing BB won’t change their tunes and endorse him?

  24. “When Leggitt made the statement to the reporter, BB wasn’t even a candidate yet.”

    – Pike



    His top adviser, Dick Leggitt, testified under oath Friday that he made up poll results he gave to a Denver Post reporter last year. The paper referred to Leggitt and those numbers in an article last year. Leggitt has said he lied because he suspected the reporter was forwarding his e-mails to Holtzman’s opponent, U.S. Rep. Bob Beauprez.



    So who’s wrong?

  25. The Rocky has the right perspective. The only reason this story has lasted more than 5 minutes is because the Post has egg on their face. It was their cub reporter who swallowed everything a campaign manager spun, and their editors who ignored basic journalistic standards by failing to fact check or get confirming sources. The Post should hire less gullible reporters and editors who know how to do their jobs. The more the Post whines about being “lied” to, the sillier they look.

  26. Hey torrypines…give it a rest.  Hefley, Musgrave, and Tancredo are all part and parcel of the fraternity know as the Capitol Hill Club.  Hefley used to paste Patsy Schroeder as being some left-wing kook.  Then would have lunch with her on a regular basis inside the beltway.  Who is lying to whom?

    they are the members of the 535 elite, best, brightest, most intelligent, people that God has graced us with on this earth.  We low lifes could never aspire to their level of greatness.
    These are people who’s heads are far too big to wear a hat.  Evr notice that BB never wears a hat?  Is it:

    a) the hat belongs to someone else and is contaminated?
    b) he wants the sun to shine more on his balding scalp in hopes of promoting hair growth?
    c) his head is too big for the hat?
    d) anything else one could imagine.

  27. Don’t lose heart, my foot soldiers. This is your leader speaking.  When you look at it just the right way, with the rose colored glasses on, and when the planets all line up exactly at the point in time and hell reaches 0 farenheit you will clearly see this is actually going to propel us all the way to the top.

    I can see it now.  Victory is ours.  It is always darkest before the dawn.  Rember, this is not a campaign, but a revolution! Stock up on your Kool Aid, my good men, we’re going to need it.  Gas up the RV because we are going to take this rogue city! On to victory! Adelante con Holtzy!

  28. Furthermore, if these folks loved BB so much, why is it that Tancredo didn’t co-sponsor a single bill introduced by BB in the 108th congress. Hefley only once (out of 16 possible opportunities, and Musgrave only twice)?  That’s real love, can’t you just feel it.  It’s oozing out of their veins.  Can’t ya just feel the Love man.  Totally awesome dude.  Like I mean don’t ya know?

    Hey, BB ought to go to the Dems where he belongs, seems they really looooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeee hime there.  That explains why when it comes to more government spending, BB went to the Dems for support and not the Repubs.

    Can ya say 2 to 1?  Like that double the flavor, double the fun.

  29. Hey it’s another endorsement for Bob (I’ll stay and you go) beauprez from the military elite.  Look folks, this is it.  The campaigns over. BB has garnered the last and best endorsements one can possibly find from the military establishment.  hear ya go:

    Major Malfunction
    General Disorder
    Captain Confusion

    and last, but not least, Private Benjamin. 

    Hery General, if the Holtzman camp is doing so bad, like you say, why is it that BB is the one who went negative?

    I’m sorry I asked you a question that you folks probably can’t answer.  Thus far, the BB people have answered a total of zero of my questions.  From Vietnam, to support from the Dems, to a lousy voting record, to gun rights, to…….And the list goes on.  this level of complete obfuscation on the issues will lead to one thing, showing just how you folks are quickly leading the parade of the “South End of the Elephant Club.”

    If there is anyone who is wearing the rose colored glasses, it was your failed precinct caucus strategy.  Seems there were very few Holtzman people complaining that they didn’t get to go to the dance.

  30. “The final irony is that in fighting this way, Beauprez is helping to re-open the Schaffer-Coors wounds from two years ago, and to make the primary fight as damaging as he and his supporters predicted when they asked for our support at the outset.”
    Joshua Sharf
    Wow. With one simple statement Joshua writes what I have been trying to rant for nearly a year.

    Well written sir.

  31. According to GOPer we are all supposed to sit down, shut up, and vote when and how we are told.  The Holtzman Camp was supposed to “bend Over” and take it like Owens, Benson, Durham, and the dweebs that kiss their “South End of the Elephand Parades” behind.

    What if the Holtzman Camp had not even existed?  What if BB were the man and all of this crap came out and Ritter won anyways, much like Bruce Benson’s failed attempt, then what?  Who would you blame then?  Or would you blame anyone? Including yourselves?

    A lousy candidate, that has a flawed record, and pretends to be something they are not, is nothing less than a lousy candidate, with a flawed record, and someone pretending to be something they are not.

    Pure and simple, you folks shoul;d have checked your guy out more closely before ass-u-me(ing) that he would pass the smell test.  No matter how you dress this guy up, cowboy hats and all (funny lookin to say the least), he’s in trouble and you folks know it.  Otherwise, you would never have gone after Holtzman. That’s the end off the story.

  32. Beauprez focused on Elected Officials, Executive Committee members and District Captains. Holtzman pushed people into the process and simply asked them to participate. Delegates and Alternates elected directly from the caucus are with MH. At Large and exec leaders are for BB. It’s pretty simple.  Trick was that turnout was low, so most who wanted to go forward to State assembly will be going, either as delegates or alternates.

  33. Holy shit, all of the delagates that went through the caucuses are with Marc? No wonder Holtzman has 2500 delegates!

    …Or does that press release fall under “spinning” for Dick?

  34. Is it just me, or is Voice or Reason becoming increasingly hostile? What’s with all the attacks, Voice? You sound like you’re losing your reason.

  35. If fabricating information to the press is criminal in Bobby B’s mind, then Marshall should be locked up in Sing Sing. Marshall is one of the biggest spin doctors / political yap dogs in Colorado.

    Marshall has fed so much BS to newspapers and radio stations. This is just another classic example of the BB campaign “crying to teacher” about something they are doing too.  The only difference is, BB and his campaign actually believe that nobody sees what they are doing.

    They are starting to believe their own hype. It’ll just take time but people will catch on. Even though he is from Colorado…and had a dairy farm…in Colorado…where he lived in Colorado…raising Colorado children…in Colorado. Being a principled conservative…even though he never read the book…because his parents didn’t write it…even though they did.
    Uhhh…Colorado…endorsements…Colorado…did he mention his endorsements…he has them…he’ll spend 20 minutes rattling them off if you don’t believe him.

  36. Hostile, no. Sick of listening to the same thing over and over again from Holtzman interns? Yes! I am just a very sarcastic person; dry sense of humor. Although, Becky, this is another example of you calling Beauprez (or supporters) negative, or hostile, etc, like you did two nights ago, but completelly turning your head at anything a Holtzmanite does. Selective reading?

  37. Voice of Reason is playing the affirmation, affirmation, reaffirmation, make belive, I believe, you believe, we believe game again.  That’s the Beauprez strategy.  If we believe it long enough, or better yert, if we lie long enough, tell lies, long enough, and then maybe, just maybe it will become truth.

    Thats the strategy most of the Thick Headed people in the Bb campaign function under.  No onwe said 2500 delegates.  Actually, didn’t that number come from the Beauprez Campaign?  I think so.  Thanks for doing the counting for us…we were uncertain as to what the numbers actuially were.

    Rule of thumb, if you want the truth, ask a Beauprez Campaing worker, they know all truth. NOT!!!

    Whatever strategy, the bottom line is this, MH has more than enough supporters and the numbers keep growing.  The BB Campaign has gone negative early on.  With 18 days to go they are getting desperate. 

    P.S.: John Marshall, thanks for the negative e-mail blast.  that’s one way to get Republicans to change their support.  Smooth move E-Lax.

  38. have you ever noticed how the BB Campaign avoids answering questions?  You ask a question and they talk your ears off about absolutely nothing of any relevance.  Ask about issues, and they counter with a blast of endorsements.  Pretty soon they will run out of endorsements from the living and start trolling the graveyards.

    Here’s some good ones…

    If I were alive today, I would vote for Bob Beauprez for governor of the great state of Colorado. John F Kennedy

    If I were alive today, I would vote for Bob Beauprez for governor of the great state of Colorado. Winston Churchill

    Get my point.  Voters want answers not endorsements.  Next we’ll see letters for Bob Beauprez from his elementary school teachers, principals, etc.  Talk about over-board. 

    Do your own endorsements:

    Instructions: Simply fill in the blank.

    If I were alive today, I would vote for Bob Beauprez for governor of the great state of Colorado. (Fill in the blank)

    our goal is to accumulate as many endorsements as possible.  got a brother or sister?  Mother or father?  They can come along too!  Everyones welcome down on the farm!!!  Afterall, who doesn’t like cows? Wanna endorse me??? We don’t want to address issues, issues are boring and people don’t pay attention to them anyway.  Besides, we’ll get our information from our opponenets.  Why do you think we stopped debating?  Because our opponents have the answers and we can’t use them. 

    In return for your generous erndorsement, wel will grant you an indulgence so that you will automatically go to heaven.  Opps, sorry that was the vatican.  Yes, the vatican may have their indulgences, but we’ve got endorsements!!!  How about a job?  Would you like a job?  Work for me and I’ll give you a job?  In addition, I’ll keep the bullies away from your family members.

    Simply write to:

    Bob Beauprez for Governor
    Attn: I Need Your Endorsement Committee
    111 Down on the Farm Ave
    Beauprezville, CO

  39. See there you go Voice… Becky makes a salient point and all you can do is attack her now like she has been in the Holtzman Camp since last June.

    But you haven’t have you Becky… Indeed from your comments, it is obvious you haven’t crossed over into the Holtzman Camp 100%. You are just seeing the problems with Both Ways Bob.

    Now there is a lot of this going on Voice. Despite your best attempts to tell us all how to think, we are wondering if BB is such a shoe in, why the attacks on Holtzman? Why is Bob Beauprez suing a fellow GOPer? Why is Joshua Sharf, whom you sited after the first debate as being critical of Holtzman, now publicly expressing his disgust and disappointment with Both Ways Bob for running such a dirty campaign when if he was really the front runner he should just be able to skate along?

    So what is next there Voice? When the people of Colorado pass on Both Ways Bob in August and vote for Holtzman instead are you going to denounce us all a Holtzman shills and interns? If so will you do us all a favor and move out of state?

  40. Iron Mike,
    Surprising you are still going after BB. I figure you would be pissed off your wife just took the fall for Holtzman. Hope you all got a good buyout since she probably won’t be working in Colorado politics for a while.Good riddance to the both of you.

  41. “…probably won’t be working in Colorado politics for a while.Good riddance to the both of you.”
    Gee, “give up” you’re pretty confident. You sign the checks as well as hand out the pink slips?
    You realize it is this kind of arrogance that has turned folks off from Beauprez from day one right?

  42. adios, get a grip.  If Holtzman were going down fast, why is BB and BB finding alternative ways to go after Holtzman.  Guess whe know where our petroleum dollars a re going, to Bruce Benson. 

    I can see the ad now:

    A woman with children in her SUV starts swearing in disgust as she sees the amount of money going into her gas tank.  She hears a radio ad about the high cost of gasoline and then standing in line to pay, sees a newspaper article about the Freedom and Opportunity fund nad realizes that its her money that is going to fund this nonsense!!!

    Hey, maybe people should just follow the money and when they get to the point where it hurts Benson, then boycott him and his outfit.  That would get them.

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