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July 27, 2018 11:35 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“The greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds.”

–John F. Kennedy


18 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

    1. That was an inspired bit of trolling.

      It got national exposure in at least The Hill and HuffPost. RT.com also had it, oddly enough. Hat tip to Colorado State Sen. Steve Fenberg (D), who shared a photo of the display on Twitter and it got copied into The Hill article.

  1. Corey Hutchins of the Colorado Independent has a very deep dive into the blockchain cryptocurrency process that will support the establishment of the Colorado Sun.

    In a nutshell, The Sun to the average reader/subscriber will look just like any other online subscription-based newspaper.  Under the hood, it will be governed (but not funded) by a constitution and code of conduct that are enforced by purchasers of the cryptocurrency tokens (on sale Aug 13th).  But while the token sale is open to the public, the qualification criteria is pretty tough — they are only looking for a few good people that will be active participants in enforcing the constitution, which involves putting your money on the line to ensure compliance.

    The key for me (and conceptually similar to what I advocated about 10 years ago in a letter to the editors of the Denver Post) is this:

    How do I know if an article is trustworthy? Can I read the journalist’s bio?

    Articles on Civil will include Credibility Indicators that provide background into what did – and did not – go into the reporting of a given article.

    What are credibility indicators?

    Civil identified four credibility indicators to help readers better assess information as it’s reported . Writers will select the indicators that apply to their piece, and then their editors verify the selections. These Credibility Indicators are listed in a module next to the relevant articles and include:

    • Original Reporting
    • Subject Specialist
    • On the Ground Reporting
    • Sources Cited
    1. "blockchain cryptocurrency……"   I'm reminded of what famed investor Peter Lynch once said; something like "I don't buy anything I don't understand."

      Lynch made millions for the investors in his Fidelity Magellan mutual fund. Let's see how the Colorado Sun does.

      1. While I agree with you that I wouldn't touch cryptocurrency with a 10 foot pole, my underlying point is that it is not needed for either The Sun to produce nor the subscriber to consume the news.

        To put it simply, cryptocurrency is merely a mechanism to ensure that the set of operating principles (most notably — transparency, credibility, accuracy and accountability) are enforced by an expert panel of moderators with financial skin in the game.  Another powerful example of crowdsourcing.

        Interestingly, the blockchain technology is also used to create a permanent archive of all content that is essentially tamper proof.


    2. Nice. (the credibility indicators)

      I researched "blockchain" and think I understand that, still don't really get "cryptocurrency". But I'll check out Hutchinson's piece.

      1. In overly-simplified terms, the blockchain is a ledger, that records currency transactions, much like your bank would your checking account.  Cryptocurrency is currency that's tracked using the techniques around digital encryption– secret and public keys and fancy math.

        Rather than trusting a single entity, like a bank, to keep track of the currency, everyone has a copy of the ledger.  The ledger is updated by folks (called miners) who race to try to add new transactions to the ledger by solving complex math problems,.  The "winning" miners are then rewarded with some of the currency, which is also how new currency enters the world.

        1. While that is true in most cases, the cryptocurrency Civil has created will be finite (100 million tokens with a uniform value).  There won't be any mining.  The tokens merely serve as voting stock which you can lose or accumulate based on constitutional enforcement actions brought by members.

          The CVL token is the native software utility token of the Civil protocol. There will be a total of 100 million CVL tokens. 34% of total CVL supply will be available for purchase during the public token sale. The Civil Media Company will retain 33% of the CVL token supply for compensatory and reserve purposes. The remaining 33% of the CVL token supply will be sold or granted to mission-aligned third parties. 

    3. In addition to the 4 named credibility indicators, I really wish there was something that indicated (and named) the editor responsible for the first level of review and making the decision it was ready for publication.

      I'm nearly always impressed by content I know has been developed, then subjected to rigorous skeptical (or opponent) review. 

      In the debate world, new cases are about the same as media "scoops." While often interesting and thought-provoking, the reality is a well-reasoned response is just around the corner. At the end of the season, the reason for a change and a policy to do it that have been tested by multiple skeptics arguing alternatives is the one I want to believe.

      1. You actually can contribute your feedback to The Colorado Sun staff — they have input to the Civil Constitution, or can at least incorporate it into their own local journalistic principles:

        From The Sun’s John Ingold in a recently published item:

        We’re thinking of this ethics policy as a guiding light for all our journalism and business practices. When it’s finished, we’ll post it online as a promise to our readers. If we ever stray from it, you should call us on it. A lot of it will probably seem pretty obvious. Our news reporters won’t take sides in partisan battles. We’ll always report based on verifiable facts. But there are also more complicated questions, and that’s where your input comes in. For instance, should we ever take anonymous donations? How much should we disclose about our supporters? And how should we address things that give the appearance of a conflict of interest? In short, how do you want a modern news organization to behave, while also ensuring that it can be sustainable?

        Ingold asked for anyone with ideas to send them to him at johningold@coloradosun.com.

  2. Snowflake alert!  Mario Nicolais cries foul that the New York Times brought up Walker Stapleton's great-grandfather Ben Stapleton's KKK history, because apparently, Walker never mentioned it in any of his campaigns, while touting his great-grandfather's service to Denver, and his laughable claim of a 4th generation Colorado family tree.

    Mario seems to overlook the Stapleton family's donation to whitewash that KKK history from the History Colorado Museum.

    Pols' diary even gets a sideways mention, because apparently liberals aren't supposed to mention impolite facts about easily bruised Republicans.

    1. Would Snowflake prefer we talk about Walker's DUI/hit and run case instead?

      And speaking of Mario, is he supporting Dirty Sanchez this year?

    2. How does Mario explain that the Stapleton / Bush / Walker clan totally embraces  Klanpappy Benjamin F Stapleton, to the extent of naming two more generations of male Stapletons after him.

      Ben Stapleton, Jr ( 1919 – 1993), was a philanthropist and banker. The downtown Denver YMCA is named after him.

      Ben F Stapleton III  is a corporate lawyer in NY, and runs the Stapleton family charity ($650,000 in donations) and tax shelter ($12 million in securities held by the foundation, which the family pays no taxes on).

      So Mario, riddle me this: Why should we not bring up the family connection to Klanpappy Ben, when the family itself is more than happy to embrace his legacy?


      1. Remember, if liberals aren't sweet and nice and civil to Republicans, they'll be justified in going nuclear at the slightest provocation (the worst liberal offense is pointing out facts and telling the truth).

        GOP rules of civility:

        Rethugs:  Make Mountains out of molehills, regurgitated endlessly (blowjobs are impeachable offenses, promise to impeach Hillary on day one)

        Dems: We're told to make Molehills out of mountains, quickly forgiven while Trump steers us into yet another mountain (Trade wars are easy to win, EU is our enemy, I didn't pay Stormy, I didn't know about the payment, I didn't know about the Russian meeting with my son and son-in-law in my building a few days after I promised a big revelation coming soon about Hillary's emails)

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