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July 13, 2018 06:56 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion.”

–Noam Chomsky


45 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. A Cat-Five Trumpstink warning remains in effect in Europe from London to Helsinki.  Trump has proposed giving Alaska back to Russia on the grounds that the Tsar only leased the territory to Secretary Seward.

    Putin is pleased with his puppet.

    1. Good timing on that one, Mr. Mueller.

      That gives Vlad and Big Baby something to talk about…other than T***ps' ongoing unconstitutional and treasonous behavior. Will he pardon them all at Vladdys' request?

      "Of course they are all innocent, Donald. CNN told Mueller to do it. It's a witch hunt.. comrade."

      1. Do we know who the congressional candidate is? I skimmed the indictment and it’s going to be hard for Twitterdumb to spin. But I didn’t see the candidate named.

          1. The tidbit itself is damning to the whole Repub apparatus, but I would love to know who it was.  Part of me hopes it was someone who won, just because that would be another fascist GOP Congresscritter who could get nuked this year. 

            Wonder if it was Coffman. 

            1. For Morgan?  Seems unnecessary.

              There are 5-ish people/groups I saw called out.  The congressional candidate.  A "then-registered state lobbyist and online source of political news" (we already know who that was).  A reporter who discussed when to release some Black Lives Matter documents.  A mysterious Organization 1 (Wikileaks) who talked about when to release documents to do the most damage to Hillary.  And, "a person who was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump" (probably Roger Stone).

      2. The language leaves a lot of latitude. "U.S. Congress" includes both the House and the Senate. And I suppose it doesn't limit it to Republicans or Democrats, either.

        Who could possibly have been running and wanting stolen documents?

        1. Well, the article I linked show at least one Florida rep made use of them – Brian Mast (currently in Congress).  Another article I read (I'll edit it in here when I find it) suggested that the timing meant it was probably a Republican.  I also remember seeing something about DeSantis in Florida having seen the stuff.  Of course, this data seems to have come from the lobbyist, Nevis, so it may not have been one of them who directly reached out to Guccifer 2.0.

  2. I read the Indictment, and am intrigued by the similarities and the differences with Watergate. In both instances, you have break-ins of the DNC (physical in one instance, electronic in the other). But with Watergate, it was the president's re-election campaign that directly authorized the activity. With Trump, the activity was conducted by the Russian government. Trump has that additional degree of separation, but his campaign cooperated/coordinated, at best obliviously, with a hostile foreign power. Say what you will about G. Gordon Liddy (go ahead, he deserves it), he did not conspire with our enemies. 

    With Watergate, it was the cover-up that ultimately took Nixon down. He lied about what he knew and when he knew it. With Trump various members of his staff, campaign, and family have lied about their contacts with Russia, but none if it has led directly back to Trump yet. If it does, will it matter? In the post-truth Trump era, with the obsequious republican congress, will it matter if Trump knew about his campaign's open solicitation of Russia's interference in our election? 

    1. Well, since Trump is building a strong trail of evidence that he is ignorant, oblivious and incompetent, he just might get a pass unless hard evidence of his many direct personal Russian ties included political collusion and/or blackmail.

  3. My money's on Devin Nunes as the congressman who received the GRU docs. Nunes was awfully eager to leave the hearing yesterday before the committee could start asking him awkward Russki questions, and remember when he went to the White House in the middle of the night to warn Trump about the investigation uncovering new stuff (which he wouldn't release to the public).

    Plus, he's neck-deep in covering up the Mueller investigation, as well as prematurely shutting down the House investigation.  He was up for re-election in 2016, as well as this year, and his re-election is overshadowed by the Russia probe.

    If I'm right, you can buy me a drink at the Pols Meetup tomorrow.


    1. Or Dana Rohrabacher. Isn't he the one called Russia's favorite congressman by Kevin McCarthy?

      Although I'd love to Nunez – or as Trump calls him – the greatest American hero get busted.

      1. Dang it. I think you're right – it isn't Nunes. He didn't have much competition in 2016 on the Dem side – an activist with no prior elected experience. Not much for the oppo research on that one. This year, it might actually be a contest with Andrew Janz. Nunes' district is no longer considered to be "safe Republican".

        The mystery GRU intel shopper could be Rohrabacher – he's dirty as hell with Russian money, and he is in a close race, now, with  primary voters saying Nuh-uh! to him. But he didn't even know which Dem he'd be facing, because of Cali's insane jungle primary system, so again no point to oppo research.

        The good news is that CA's congressional races are up for grabs, thanks to voters getting sick of the rampant corruption and Russian influence.

  4. ColoradoPols Meetup:
    I'm going to post this here as well as the meetup thread. The reservation is for 8 people at the Lowdown Brewery, 800 Lincoln St., Denver. See you all there.


    1. You might want to make a new thread to bump it up the post queue – or ask Pols to. Usually, putting "Pols" in the first few words gets someone's attention.

        1. No, and eggplant soufflés aren’t my thing either!  A good stout and some nachos will suffice today. 

          Any word from Nutter? Is he going to venture out of the woods today?  

  5. Indoors on a summer Saturday? It's prime hiking and climbing season in Colorado. I'll be out there. But do have a good time.

    1. Fine, we'll do one when there's a foot of snow on the ground, CHB. Oh, wait, you'll probably be flinging yourself down a mountain on sticks or a surfboard then.devil

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