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April 28, 2006 08:00 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Rain, rain, go away…


56 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. First, let’s hope that this latest in a series of Marc Gets Out predictions is right.  BUT anybody who has spent ten minutes with Holtzman will tell you that this guy is on a mission to knock off Beauprez if he can’t have the nomination himself.  Holtzman will be in until the last dachsund dies.

  2. So this is how Marc gets rewarded for thinking out of the box.  At least he tried hard to stop the Refernedum C boondoggle.  Both Ways Bob was AWOL then and doesn’t deserve our support now.

  3. “What’s “illiterate”?

    “he will withdrawal” = he will withdraw.
    “You heard it hear first” = You heard it here first.

    English is a complicated language.

  4. When does ‘thinking out of the box’ include law breaking?

    While I agree with Holtzman’s stand on C&D, and I voted against both measures, this has far less to do with Beauprez than it does Holtzman.

  5. Is anyone else getting the feeling Durham is working for the Demorcats? It wasn’t too long ago he was holding a fundraiser for Alice Madden and Andrew Romanoff, now he’s pushing for a decision that will shut down “big bad” Trailhead and all the other GOP PACs as a byproduct.

  6. from the article linked above:

    “We want full amnesty, full legalization for anybody who is here (illegally),” Rodriguez said. “That is the message that is going to be played out across the country on May 1.”


    Lovely.  Said another way:

    “We who have broken the laws of your country insist that you ignore the fact that we have broken the law, and to protest, we will break more laws and will shut down your cities.”

  7. Swift and Co. said Thursday that it would close six of its eight U.S. meat-processing plants on Monday, including in Greeley.


    Sounds as though ICE ought to be at their door on Tuesday morning.  You know, to enforce the law.

  8. Here’s one the Govs missed: The AP is repoting Holtzman will attend the State Convention.


    But, but, all the Beauprez staff have been on this website saying he wasn’t. They’ve also been demanding apologies from anyone saying Gigi is Bob’s running mate.

    How about this: if the Beauprez staffers apologize for spreading lies about Holtzman AND Beauprez names someone other than Gigi Dennis as a running mate, we’ll all apologize. After all, Bob Beauprez is all about uniting the Colorado Republican Party.

  9. Yea. When does trhinking outside of the box involve lawbreaking?  How about Chuck (I’m working to get jobs for Colorado) Broerman?  Field director for the Beauprez Campaign and part-time Colorado state employee for Bill Owens.  May be Mr. Broerman (who was actively campaining on behalf of Refs C and D should be hauled in and required to account for his time?

    Afterall, wasn’t he the guy who fraudulantly requested meter hoods using false information?  Wasn’t Mr. Liston, a Beauprez supported, campaigning for a Republican incumbent while serving as Republican Party Vice Chairman during an open primary contest?  Didn’t BC use a fictitious company name to receive funds from an elected official BS? 

    Mr. Durham needs to remember that people who live in glass houses should not be throwing stones.  The glass may not be as thick as he thinks.  People may be finding more about SJ and BG than he would like them to.  If I’m not mistaken, SJ also received funds (as reported on campaign filings) and the name nor company she used was ever registered with the Secretary of State or Department of Revenues.


    Oh, by the way.  Didn’t Steve Durham support C and D?  Isn’t he supporting BB?  Must just be my imagination. NOT!!!  Steve Durham once had great respect and credibility, until he advocated the abolishment of the caucus system and wanted the pro-life plank removed from the Republican platform.  Since then, he hasn’t done much except in Denver as a lobbyist.  That’s when he really became one of the “Colorado Crazies.”

  10. Rumors from El Paso County say that at a Republican meeting, Holtzman publically stated that he and Lola would be going to the Assembly.  In addition, should Holtzman fall short of the 30%, not that he will, the campaign will be prepared with petitions in hand.

    No matter what BB thinks, Holtzman will be at the dance.  Apparently, the room was packed with well over 100 plus people and all but 3 or 4 didn’t sign the petitions.  According to Holtzman insiders, petitions were circulated and nearly the entire room, 100+ attendees signed up. 

    Supposedly the dinner was paid for by the campaign, however, when Holtzman asked for donations the checkbooks came out.  Our pepole are told that the event went very well, lasted quite a long time, and both Marc and lola stayed afterwards to talk with folks.

    We have heard, thru the grapevine, that Holtzman was applauded on numerous ocassions, and even recveived standing ovations.  We have also learned that the 5CD debate was more of a social gathering as only 25-30 people attended.  Guess the place to be was at the Holtzman gathering.

    If that is the case, and Holtzman goes to the dance, BB better get going with that Mylanta stuff.  His ulcers may start acting up sooner than later.

  11. But, but, all the Beauprez staff have been on this website saying he wasn’t.
    — Headwaters

    It might interest you to know that Mr. Holtzman was the one who said he was going to petition his way on to the primary ballot and bypass the State Convention.

  12. 1. Only professionals or investors can immigrate to the country. No unskilled laborers will be allowed into the country.  Investors must be able to invest at least 40,000 times the daily average wage. If they can’t, they are not allowed into the country.

    2. Immigrants may purchase property, but locations and availability will be limited. Ocean front property cannot be purchased by immigrants. It is exclusively for citizens born in the country.

    3. Immigrants cannot vote nor can they be elected to any public office.

    4. Immigrants cannot collect any type of government assistance.

    5. Immigrants cannot protest the countries government, policies or President.

    6. Immigrants cannot display a flag of a foreign country.

    7. Immigrants who have illegally entered the country will be found and imprisoned.

  13. Holy shit, BMR.  Just replace the word “immigrant” with “Jew” in all your bullet points, and it’s easy to see where you’d like America to go.

  14. Anonymous,

    So much hatred.  Maybe you should take an asprin and lay down for a while.

    If you think Chuck Broerman or any  broke the law whay not file a complaint and see what happens?  Why not put your money where your mouth is? 

    You keep on flinging accusations but all you have is conjecture and your own personal opinion, which won’t get you far.


    You got all that from a rumor and what “you heard thru the grapevine?  Did a double seceret agent man pass along this information to you after you gave him the password and gave him the secret handshake?

  15. I was a HUGE Holtzman supporter until I read this in the Denver Post today.
    ****Money from a London-based securities firm, or one of its executives, was funneled through a nonprofit and into a Colorado anti-Referendum C committee, lawyers alleged Thursday.

    Republican gubernatorial candidate Marc Holtzman was the face of that committee. He is defending himself against claims he broke state campaign laws by using that committee as a shadow gubernatorial campaign.

    The allegation that about $350,000 from Meridian Securities Ltd. wound up in the account of “If C Wins, You Lose” arose in a series of questions from attorney Scott Gessler.****
    We Republicans are killing ourselves and killing our chances to run this state again. We stand for somthing gosh darn it.

  16. Holy shit, BMR. Just replace the word “immigrant” with “Jew” in all your bullet points, and it’s easy to see where you’d like America to go.


    In baseball parlance, you’ve just struck out looking.

    Those 7 laws I’ve posted are currently in place.

    In Mexico.

  17. So what’s your point?  Are these the kind of laws you want America to have?

    There are a lot of shitty things about Mexico, and it’s unsurprising so many of them want to come here.  But just because another country has racist, discriminatory laws (for which it would be interesting to see an actual citation, BTW) doesn’t mean we need to wallow in the mud with them.

  18. Flail away, Terb, flail away.

    The ‘racist’ bit is a complete non-starter. 

    The POINT was in exposing Mexico’s hypocrisy in their dealings with illegal immigrants.  Do you really suppose they’re sending their best & brightest to the USA?  Of course they’re not.  We have rapidly become Mexico’s auxilliary economy.  At the expense of our own.

    By the way, my secondary point was to see how fast someone would jump on that list, and you win first prize.

  19. I’m not interested in the “gotcha” game.  I simply want to know why the fact that Mexico may have some brain-damaged immigration laws (for which BMR still won’t provide a source) means that we should create similar hostile restrictions.

    BMR’s argument boils down to: Mexico is bad, so it’s ok if we’re bad the same way.  I resist making policy by finding a bad example of another country’s laws and copying it.

  20. Terb, I’ll argue my points on my own, if you don’t mind.  I don’t need you putting words into my posts that are not there.  My argument boils down to this:  IF YOU DON’T WANT TO ABIDE BY OUR LAWS AND ENTER THE COUNTRY LEGALLY, DO NOT SHOW UP HERE AND “DEMAND” THE SAME STATUS GRANTED TO THOSE THAT DO ARRIVE HERE LEGALLY.

    Terb, I never once implied that we should adopt Mexico’s method of handling immigration.  You have inferred that, and you have inferred incorrectly.

    That said:

    “In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin.  But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American,and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all.

    We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

    Theodore Roosevelt 1907

  21. Why are you all debating this boring Beauprez/Holtzman immigrant junk, when we have the story of the year going on!  Congress + Prostitutes + Defense Contractors + The Watergate Hotel.  How much more could we ask for?


    Summary: Disgraced Rep. Duke Cunningham, in addition to millions of dollars in bribes, received hookers from his buddy Mitchell Wade.  Now it comes out that other members of congress (not yet idnetified) and “intelligence officials” were privy to Wade’s on call harem. 

    As a kicker to the story, the limousine company that ferried hookers to the congressmen and intelligence officials received a $21 million contract from the department of homeland security.


  22. BMR, where does it say anything about this:
    6. Immigrants cannot display a flag of a foreign country.

    I couldn’t locate that in J. Michael Waller’s “Mexico’s Glass House” essay that you probably should have cited.

    And according the Mexican Trade Commission, your bullet point #1 is wrong.  Mexico’s General Law of Population says immigrant permits (basically their version of Bush’s “guest worker” program) are also available for retirees, artists, scientists, technicians, and sportspeople.  Those who meet none of these categories but can prove they have an income can be granted an FM3 permit, which can be converted to the regular FM2 permit after five years.  Ten years is a long time to wait for citizenship, but these requirements are still lax compared to many European countries.

    Now having said that, some of the specifics you mention are in there and I agree are terrible.  But I still don’t see how their failures should guide American policy.

  23. Hey Skibum,

    Rumor has it that one of the intelligence officials fits the description of former Republican lawmaker and current CIA Director Porter Goss.

    Tsk, tsk, where will the naughtiness end…?

    $21 million contract–pretty sweet reward for dropping off hookers to our lawmakers.

  24. Ok, but your quote:
    does not follow from your partially incorrect list of Mexico’s own immigration restrictions.  At least I don’t see how it does.  Like your source material, it just seems calculated to stir up jingoism.

  25. I am not interested in stories about Prostitutes unless I can see pictures of said Prostitutes and thier naked breasts. Congressmen have been imbibing in prostitutes since congress was founded, what’s the big whoooop here?

  26. Try a $21 million dollar contract of your taxpayer money being given as a reward for naked breasts. Unless of course you advocate your tax bucks being spent on “pork” (and yeah, I meant that the way it’s inferred.)

    And, good news for you, reportedly there ARE pictures.

  27. The oil men in the white house can be blamed for the price at the pumps. Was it premeditated? It sure is a crime!

    In September 2002, when the price of gas was $1.40 per gallon, White House senior economic adviser Laurence Lindsey predicted regime change in Iraq would lower oil prices:

    As for the impact of a war with Iraq, “It depends how the war goes.” But [Bush senior economic adviser Laurence Lindsey] quickly adds that that “Under every plausible scenario, the negative effect will be quite small relative to the economic benefits that would come from a successful prosecution of the war.”

    “The key issue is oil, and a regime change in Iraq would facilitate an increase in world oil,” which would drive down oil prices, giving the U.S. economy an added boost.

    Today, with the price of gas now around $2.91 per gallon, the Associated Press reports that the Iraq war has contributed to high oil prices:

    With oil prices above $70 a barrel fouling the world economy, dismay is focusing on Iraq, whose exports have slipped to their lowest levels since the 2003 invasion.

    ‘’Iraq could be making a tremendous difference,’’ said Dalton Garis, an economist at the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi. Instead, its shortfall is ‘’a significant contributing factor to the high price of oil,’’ he said.

    Remove the Republicans in November.

  28. Sir Robin,

    You are crazy to suggest that oil companies are responsible for high gas prices.  The reality is that the reason gas prices are so high is because:

    1) governmental regulations that require certian additaves to gasoline.

    2) environmental activists in Congress who will not allow drilling in the Gulf of Mecico or in Alaska.

    3) No new refineries have been built in the U.S. since the 1970’s. 

    4)Foriegn conuntries like China and Inda have increased the demand for oil, which has driven up prices.

    If you look at gas, ajusted for inflation, we are still paying less for gas than we did in the late 1970’s when Carter was president. 

    Get your facts right, O’ Liberal One.

  29. Reality
    You forgot to mention that the government makes way more per gallon of gas than the oil companies do.
    I said a few days ago, for instant relief for the poor, drop all state and federal gas taxes, at least temporarily.

  30. Remember when the gay whore Rich Gannon got a press pass and had 100’s of visits to the WH according to the records? Remember when he was caught at it the story was quickly squelched by the “liberal media”? Now we have a whole new sex scandal in Washington. In my opinion, whether Republican or democrat, anyone caught up in this deserves what they get.

    “Federal prosecutors are investigating whether two contractors implicated in the bribery of former Rep. Randall ‘Duke’ Cunningham supplied him with prostitutes and free use of a limousine and hotel suites, pursuing evidence that could broaden their long-running inquiry. Besides scrutinizing the prostitution scheme for evidence that might implicate contractor Brent Wilkes, investigators are focusing on whether any other members of Congress, or their staffs, may also have used the same free services, though it isn’t clear whether investigators have turned up anything to implicate others. In recent weeks, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents have fanned out across Washington, interviewing women from escort services, potential witnesses and others who may have been involved in the arrangement.”

    PS – Reality…..get Real. Look at the profits. Look at the collusion of the oil companies. Take your head out of the sand.

  31. “Look at the collusion of the oil companies.”


    How about SHOWING where there’s been collusion? 

    The socialists’ mantra:  Profits = evil. 
    (And what does Duke Cunningham, the FORMER Congressman, have to do with it)?

  32. Anti-illegal immigrant ballot initiative signing event set

    The state group sponsoring a campaign to deny most government services to illegal immigrants will have petitions available for signing Sunday in downtown Denver, a leader said today. Volunteers will be stationed at the courtyard of 1410 Grant Street between 1 and 2:30 p.m., according to a statement released by Fred Elbel, of Defend Colorado Now.


  33. Defend Colorado Now wants to deny them vaccinations as well?  That seems risky as well as cruel.

    BMR, did you just make up your earlier bullet point #6?  I keep asking questions, you keep dodging.  Sigh.

    This will make your weekend: Rush Limbaugh was just arrested in West Palm Beach for again committing prescription fraud.  Hillbilly Heroin is hard to kick.

  34. You are absolutly right, Gecko.  By the way, I saw one of yout commercials for Geico last night, you did a great job. 


    You need to start using some logic.  If people didn’t want to but gas the oil companies would have no profits.  As it stands now people are willing to pay for gas, so the oil companies are making big profits.  Logic is a wonderful thing little Robin.

  35. This will make your weekend: Rush Limbaugh was just arrested in West Palm Beach for again committing prescription fraud. Hillbilly Heroin is hard to kick.


    Terb, do you know the meaning of the word schadenfreude?

    And this ought to make YOUR weekend:  Limbaugh wasn’t arrested “again” – he turned himself in – for the first time – as an arrangement with prosecutors in the same case that’s now nearly 3 years old.  The guy had an addiction to painkillers.  If you find joy in that, I pity you.

  36. There may be as much enjoyment of Rush “holier than thou” Limbaugh going down in flames to his addiction for some liberal as there was for Republicans drooling over Clinton’s impeachment.  The only difference being Clinton had a personal conflict in his bedroom, while Rush…well he’s just a drug addict loser preaching to his millions of listners that it all must be a “liberal conspiracry!”

  37. Glee over one’s misfortune? (I admit it, I looked in the dictionary. I can’t help it. I like new words that I don’t know.)

    I do have a bit of sympathy for his past addiction–prescription med addiction can be wicked. I believe he went deaf from overuse of the drug, if I remember right. One of the many nasty side effects from longterm use.

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