“Science has not yet taught us if madness is or is not the sublimity of the intelligence.”
–Edgar Allan Poe
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BY: MichaelBowman
IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
BY: ParkHill
IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
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IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
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IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
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IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
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IN: “Aurora Has Fallen”–Boebert, Gabe Evans Board The Crazy Tren
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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In the same state that had the racist “deportation bus” and “deportation truck”:
Voters in Georgia voted for the progressive, charismatic gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams, over the staid moderate, Stacey Evans.
Amy McGrath, a fighter pilot, dove in out of the blue to displace the DCCC’s handpicked moderate candidate.
Apparently, GA Dems don’t think there’s much future in trying to be all nice and bipartisan with their Good Ol’ Boys.
Make note of: 1) another DCCC failure, and, 2) Democrats who aren’t afraid to be Democrats.
Great message from Georgia: https://youtu.be/_SLkIb6tBN4
Then again, Laura Moser won't be burdened with having the represent a place like Texas in the US House.
Great spin! Moser got blown out 2-1 so you guys decided McGrath is some outsider maverick.
Congrats I guess?
Actually, it should be noted that:
(1) In most of the primary races yesterday, the majority of Democratic voters are choosing the more pragmatic or establishment candidate, with or without the DCCC intervention.
(2) Whether or not the candidate is perceived to be establishment or insurgent, the policies proposed are pretty much the same.
I keep hearing the narrative that Democratic Party wouldn't be any different from the Republican Party. Those of us glued to Vox & TalkingPoints know that the Republicans are a disaster, but when it comes to the interests of Working Class people, we have certainly seen a lot of Democratic politicians building "Republican-lite" careers. I note that wages for classic working-class jobs have declined dramatically over the past 50 years with or without Democrats in power: Truck drivers make $20/hour now whereas they used to make $30/hour.
I agree that a more full-throated defense of liberal values would be helpful in expanding the electorate to the huge number of dis-engaged & non-voting people, in particular African Americans, Latin Americans, and young people.
If we vote, we win.
Don't forget us platypuses!
My icon, Oscar the Platypus, is as blue as they come.
As a native Georgian, I'm very happy with the results. But as a believer in Occam's Razor, I think the explanation for Abrams' win is that the better candidate won.
With or without the DCCC's support, that is the key to most races. I want to see younger leaders with solid credentials coming forward and challenge the sometimes ossified current leadership. There's room for all good candidates representing a broad spectrum of views. But yeah, I'll always prefer the pragmatist over the idealist. That's just me.
I'm hoping Abrams wins in November but I also know it is a very long shot. There were over 600,000 votes cast for the aggregate collection of RWNJs running on the GOP side but only 555,000 in the Democratic primary. And I understand Georgia has open primaries.
True — definitely a long upward climb — if not this race, hopefully the next. But she has led a strong voter recruitment drive, and is exciting these new and/or under-involved voters unlike past candidates.
Path to victory: 95% of African Americans and 30% of Whites.
I saw the statistic somewhere that 30% of African Americans in Georgia are not registered to vote.
Abrams' campaign will be an extremely helpful example for others to follow where appropriate. Per the New York Times:
I hope she's hitting high schools and colleges. The young people are where Dems can build a new base. Let the Repubs have the angry old white people who used to be Dixiecrats.
Don’t be afraid to be a Democrat. Don’t wallow in “purple”. Don’t be satisfied being bipartisan with a bunch of Sociopthic Liars.
Playing it “safe” is LOSING in this environment.
“Don’t be afraid to be a Democrat. . . .”
Dude, it’s just incredible how these campaign stickers almost write themselves!!?
Establishment Republicans getting their asses kicked, too. But don’t let Trump’s golden showers of lies keep perverting the debate further right.
(Do you actually have a policy or strategy idea, or is your only idea to make fun of my screen name, a lá Trump?)
. . . ???
It’s very “new deal”, maybe “The ReNew Deal”.
Too retro?
I’m workin’ on it . . .
You're full of Zap?
Great opinion piece, Zap. Thanks for the link.
Corporate Democrats will always do what big money tells them to do and then try to cover their asses with the " Cloak of Bipartisanship".
Whether our party "moderates" will admit it, or not, class warfare is fully underway in this country.
Got your little tax refund or pay raise? How much did O&G take with their gas price hike?
Health care premiums gonna sky rocket ( Thanks T***p)…
Don't kid yourselves, Democrats. This is class warfare in its basic form. All for the rich, none for the poor.
This is no time to equivocate..it is time to fight.
When you look at a problem in 'the whole', sometimes free stuff delivers a surplus…
This Country Is the First in the World to Offer Free Public Transit
Who'd have thunk?
Personally, I just think it’s the gates to Hell opening up . . .
There’s a Sinkhole at the White House. Blame the Swamp. (Really.)
. When I heard about that, the first thing that went through my mind was No Name City, from Paint Your Wagon. "God love this town and swallow it down and good-bye to you!"
Apparently, Trump is a sinkhole magnet:
Would you . . .
. . . buy a timeshare from this man???
Is that the "sunken place"?
It is being reported that the Hawaiians have found an ancient saying that the only way to placate Pele the Volcano Goddess is to sacrifice a president by having them leap into the lava. Sounds like it's worth a shot.
Maybe if he was told that Pele is really hot. I mean, she is hot…she's the frigging volcano goddess. Fox and friends would probably cover it. I agree, it's totally worth a shot.
From the site unmentionable…
Poll: Lamborn, Glenn lead GOP primary field in 5th Congressional District
All I could think of, upon reading this headline, is Owen Hill, a copy of Atlas Shrugged held tightly in one trembling hand with the other clenched into a fist and raised to the heavens, screaming, "I am John Galt!"
So the fine folks of the 5th District find Hill to be just as odious as I do.
Good to know.
Naw, he's from the Fountainhead. Ellsworth Toohey comes to mind.
Just noticed this — it's about priorities and making a statement.
If we want to redirect the Republican tax giveaway to the 1%, using money to eliminate student loan debt is a possibility, and the tax plan giveaway over the next decade is quite close to the $1.4 trillion now owed on college loans.
But "erasing" student debt would still skew benefits strongly to the upper income quintiles. Brookings Institute analyzed student borrowers with large debts (over $50,000). The study found "Policies such as the student loan interest tax deduction, proposed interest reductions, and loan forgiveness may disproportionally benefit high-income borrowers." There would be less impact if the redirected tax giveaway did not include graduate school debt. Or if there were a strong needs test to mainly take care of the debt of those who cannot repay.
I'd think there would be better uses for the money. Increasing the Pell Grant program would help avoid future educational debt. Making a massive investment in improving K-12 school infrastructure would not only improve student learning conditions, but would provide jobs. Providing subsidized full-day pre-K and K classes would free up young parents all across the economy.
Outside of education, there could be other uses: using the money for a stabilization payments for health care insurance; investing in transportation infrastructure; expanding small business help and providing incentives for additional employees; a list could go on and on.
FWIW, Jared's proposed legislation does include Pell Grants. But since this bill has a less that zero chance of passing, it really is just planting a flag in the ground. Your critique is correct, however.
Why not use the millionaires' money to reduce middle class income taxes?!?
The middle class got Chump Change from the GOP tax bill. Not every middle class family has student debt, but nearly every middle class family still pays hefty federal income taxes, even after the "tax cut" bill. In fact, I have noticed that some middle class taxpayers will actually pay MORE in federal income taxes. And, many will pay more in CO income taxes since their federal taxable income is higher due to lost exemptions.
Dems can and should offer more than the Chump Change provided by the GOP.
Purely academic discussion, but here goes:
Wages have been stagnant for decades. One proven way to earn higher income is through education. Education has become prohibitively expensive, leading to massive debt loads on millions of 20-50 year old wage earners, limiting their ability to get married, raise families and buy homes (the best investment/wealth-builder opportunity we have).
So educational debt relief (focused on those most in need, eg. not the wealthy), generates a virtuous cycle of economic growth that compounds over decades, but doesn't simply create a short-lived inflationary bubble.
On the otherhand, relatively small tax cuts going to the middle class (Trump's temporary chump change, with an additional small tip) is diluted rapidly in the ocean of consumer demand, with little lasting impact.
Giving a tax cut to the middle class means they will spend that money (unlike wealthy taxpayers who are already spending as much as they like). That additional spending will multiply throughout the economy.
Also, IMHO you need to give the middle class a reason to vote for you, such as a tax cut, which benefits all those in that category. Once elected, you can address other low and middle class concerns.
Across the board tax cuts are stimulus, which we don't really need now — we need higher earnings and savings.
Besides, "tax cuts" as the universal answer to all questions makes us appear to be Republican-lite followers.
Democrats can never win a tax-cut war with Republicans. They don't care about deficits, figuring that even zero revenue aids them in "starving the beast."
The last time I looked, on average, the wage gap between high school and bachelor's degree holders was about $20,000 a year. Considerably more than any tax cut could reasonably expect to provide. Most of the folks who come out of college are middle class. Also, this additional income increases the income tax base (as well as the base for entitlement taxes). This doesn't take into account the other positive benefits of education in people's lives.
Then again, I don't believe anyone in this country is taxed too much, except some poorer folks by sales tax.
I also don’t think education, or other benefits, should be means-tested. Go to public school, get an education. Pay over your lifetime in taxes.
Excellent points!
Even more on point from David Leonhardt of the New York Times:
A great breakdown of the money in the Governor's race, from the Independent's Sandra Fish.
States of Play: Who raised more money from inside Colorado in the big race for governor?
Spoiler: Jared raised the most in total and from Colorado– most of it from one address.
To quote CPOLS, “Hey, at least Neil Gorsuch is from Colorado”
You have only yourself to blame for him, Sappy. I recall you on this site doing your little happy dance as DINO like Bob Kerry, Evan Bayh, David Pryor, Mary Landrieu and Blanche Lincoln were losing their seats.
Sure, they would never support Bernie 's Free Stuff agenda but they would put Schumer in as majority leader and Feinstein in as judiciary chair.
How's that purity fetish of yours working out?
I generally find endorsements meaningless, but I still read them anyway, like a supermarket tabloid. I was perusing through a list of them on that other site, and I came across this one.
I mean, if Lois wants to be a third-wayer like Cheri, though, you guys will still hold the House even without 31, so no biggie.
From the Denver Post:
I'm not convinced a Democrat actually endorsed Eric Montoya…
No Collusion?
I guess the campaign was over by that time, and this was just double-dealing, pay-to-playing the Ukrainians, afterall.
Interesting campaign strategy advice from Ross Douthat of the New York Times: