“We are never as bad off or as happy as we say we are.”
–Honore de Balzac
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BY: harrydoby
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: ParkHill
IN: Trump: The Mass Deportations Will Begin In Aurora
BY: kwtree
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: Colorado Pols
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Trump: The Mass Deportations Will Begin In Aurora
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Another weekend.
Another Cat 5 Trumpstink warning.
Stay upwind, America.
The foulest excrudescence in the history of American politics still stalks the land.
Lord, God Almighty,
Trump stinks.
Please, please, stay upwind.
Thankfully this isn’t a university in your state . . .
. . . oh wait. Ah sheet, really!?!?!
Native American Brothers Pulled From Campus Tour After Nervous Mother Calls Police
Eurovision is next week – and I can’t go (because of work). I can’t even watch Tuesday live.
this is (almost) worse than having Trump as president.
Into each life, a little rain must fall.
Treat yourself to a sonic waterboarding here:
I agree, David . . .
Eurovision is (almost) worse than having Yammybonkers as President.
Revealed: Trump team hired spy firm for ‘dirty ops’ on Iran arms deal
There is a spam diary in Russian in the "recent posts". Don't comment directly to the diary, as this may expose your email address to the diarist.
It{s probably just Andrew Carnegie sharing his inner most thoughts.
On the heels of Chuck Plunkett's departure comes news of three more resignations at the Denver Post: senior editors Dana Coffield and Larry Ryckman resigned, as did chairman and former owner Dean Singleton. From channel 7…
The fight has now begun! The battle has two fronts 1. Drive down the ransom demand of the Post by Alden (currently 4xEBIT or $144 million according to Ken Doctor). 2. Start a new Denver paper (there should be ample news talent available) with community support and potential sharing of printing and distribution facilities of other outlets such as the Aurora Sentinel, and others.
1. Can be achieved by advertisers abandoning the Post, along with subscriber and staff defections
2. Funding partnerships with other newspapers (Westword, The Sentinel) to add printing and distribution capacity plus adding staff would be less costly than paying Alden above market price for the Post
A third piece would be small-town papers sharing their content – like a "news from the sticks" section, rotating throughout Colorado. If I remember correctly, both the Post and the Rocky used to have sections like this.
Why? Guess what – most of our rural papers are also owned by Alden and Digital First media. There's a reason rural Colorado is red – it exists in a Fox News bubble. Contrarian viewpoints are not welcome.
Digital First owns the Fort Morgan
TribuneTimes the Brush Tribune, the Boulder Daily Camera, and 16 others. Most people just read these papers for the sports and local school news. But they'll run nationally syndicated anti-Muslim racist cartoons, and take the approved party line editorial stances. And they won't run stories on the emerging Democratic activism in rural areas.I noticed this week several articles in the Post from small regional papers. Although I question the relevance of the articles to primarily Denver readers, since IIRC isn't distributed past the Continental Divide. I assumed they were simple page fillers to substitute for the missing content due to 1/3 staff cut of Denver reporters.
Maybe my range of interests are too narrow, but I didn't find them particularly interesting or helpful in expanding my knowledge.
I think your instinct is correct – they were page fillers. But the Post has run some really incisive articles on rural issues:
Changing demographics as immigrants move in and become citizens.
Hemp industries slowly changing the rural economies.
Pushback against gas and oil encroachment on residential areas.
Unemployment among small town youth and what communities are doing to try to keep and revive their towns.
I'm not going to look up links for these stories, but they were good journalism, and the kind of thing we should see more of. The Post sent out its own reporters to do (gasp!) investigative, in-depth reporting. Not just the obligatory “Trump Safaris” about how we should all be more compassionate and understanding of the ignorant racists in our midst.
Probably what the Alden editors ran instead were small-town sports stories, which, yeah, nobody in the city would care about.
Yes, those stories above are valuable. Yesterday's paper had a story about an RV park gradually converting to tiny home community in Glenwood Springs, and a Greeley motel being renovated from crack motel to hipster joint. To each their own, I guess.
Mama, there has been what you call “content sharing'' for many, many decades. It's called the Associated Press.
Smaller-town papers will run anything if it's local. If they're not covering something to your satisfaction, brush up on your public relations.
Sorry, Gertie, but our local papers (which are Digital First owned since last year) explicitly will not cover events about Democrats, even with statewide candidates traveling here, even with concise, standard press releases submitted well in advance. My local papers will cover anything school-related, anything human-interest oriented, involving cute kids or cute animals, or non-political public events . We've had yawner pages full of an ongoing city council battle.
But nothing implying that locals are not 100% in the Trump brigade. Nothing about, say, why we don't allow the confederate flag in the local parades, or the Klan history of the towns. Nothing from Somali refugees about the racism they've encountered and why they won't live outside of their own enclaves. Nothing about choices for pregnant teens, other than "grin and bear it". Reporters will even tell you in confidence that they're not allowed to run those stories.
You're probably right that a visit or two with the publishers using my best "nice teacher" manners wouldn't hurt – and we've written letters to the editor (not published) about the racist anti-Muslim cartoon- but reporters are saying that their parameters for stories they can cover are pretty narrow.
Yes, I'm aware of Associated Press and the other news feeds.
Today’s Sunday Post, with 50 some pages of actual news and another 50 of ads, has several original (and “content-shared” local stories. One front-pager on students protesting Coffman and Gardner’s silence on gun control. One puff piece on p2 of Denver & the West quoting Extraction O&G saying that they promise that they won’t drill (at Bella Romero K-8 academy) during school hours. No parents or protesters were quoted in the piece. One on the sanctuary movement in Boulder. One on a population boom in Grand Junction. (The GJ Sentinel is not a DFM property, by the way). One Business section article on a Lafayette nonprofit compiling data on Hepatitis.
And many, many AP stories.
These aren’t bad stories (except for the Extraction piece). My point is that a re-imagined Denver paper would benefit from real collaboration with rural papers that also see enlightenednself-interest in running real news, including controversial stories.
Small quibble: It's the Fort Morgan Times, not Tribune.
A friend, a superior writer, Steve Lipsher, has also just quit.
I'm hopeful that other publishers around the state will pick up some of these writers for a column every week or 2. I think it would be a really great way for them to demonstrate some solidarity with truth. C'mon Aurora Sentinel, GJ Sentinel, Colorado Springs Independent, Coloradoan, Chieftain!
Voyager, make it happen!
I'm flattered that you thought of me, Gray. Alas, I have no power to hire anyone.
Rudy Giuliani continues furiously digging a hole for Trump. Now he implies he has a fool for a client (no argument there!):
Forgot the link to the NYTimes article: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/06/us/politics/giuliani-says-trump-would-not-have-to-comply-with-mueller-subpoena.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news