In the last few weeks, we’ve seen examples of how to misuse the debate over Colorado’s deterioriating budget situation for all kinds of purposes–from opportunistic hypocrisy to old-school partisan grandstanding. There’s gubernatorial candidate (who occasionally styles himself “Senator”) Josh “Reject the Stimulus” Penry bemoaning cuts that affect his local district, while offering no suggestions for how to avoid them. We’ve seen Sen. Greg Brophy making widely panned, unserious proposals for the budget while Twittering red-meat obstructionist nonsense out of the other side of his mouth. As we’ve said a couple of times there’s an election around the corner, and some people see more advantage in being a problem than solving one. We get it.
For an example of a Republican who’s not playing cheap partisan games with this very real crisis, we turn, as we have before, to state Sen. Al White. As the Craig Daily Press reports today:
Colorado Sen. Al White, R-Hayden, said the best way to describe the state budget’s freefall is to compare it to a Shakespearean tragedy in three acts.
White ap pear ed at the Mof fat County Com mission meeting Tuesday to address local officials and residents.
The state government first cut about $800 million from the 2008-09 budget – which White called Act I.
Now that the state is in what White termed the second act of this tragedy, government officials have cut about $720 million from the 2009-10 budget and may cut more if the Sept. 21 revenue forecast predicts more dire days ahead.
That’s not the worst of it, though, White said.
Act III is when Hamlet “gets it in the gizzard,” he said, and the coming 2010-11 fiscal year is the state’s third act…
Budget cuts for the next fiscal year in 2010-11 will be equally painful, if not more so, White said.
He listed conservation easement tax credits for agricultural land, enterprise zone tax credits for businesses and school district funding as pots of money that could be sacrificed to balance the state budget.
All of those items are important to his constituents, White said, but he and other legislators may have no choice.
“I can’t just say I’m going to work on a budget that doesn’t hurt my district,” he said. “There’s pain, and it has to be shared equally.” [Pols emphasis]
We’ve said it countless times: if there was more of this kind of candor about the issues and less simple-minded obstruction and dogmatic grandstanding from Republicans, Colorado would elect a lot more Republicans. Unfortunately, Sen. White’s candor is, for too many of his colleagues (see first paragraph), what irritates them the most.
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OK, maybe not God, but he has more backbone and more integrity than 90% of the other Republicans in the legislature.
than a good percentage of the Democrats in the legislature as well.
Clone the sun’abitch and let’s get something done.
We’ll call it the White Party.
And Al White’s already a member.
It’s nice to see Al White referring to leaders in Moffat County as his constituents. The 364 other days of the year he believes the other members of the JBC and Bill Ritter are his only constituents.
The JBC is responsible to put together the State budget–the Long Bill.
Members of the JBC take that responsibility very seriously. It remains to be seen if the newest member will.
The JBC is where the legislature’s grown-ups are. Somebody has to be, and it’s the JBC. Everybody else can yammer about starting a new pet program or ending somebody else’s pet program.
Then there are the Penrys of the world, who yell “no” at everything but insist that he can “make the hard choices.”
Except for cutting anything in his precious district. That’s different.
It’s gonna be a long but entertaining political cycle.
what those “hard choices” are that he’s willing to make.
He hasn’t yet. And he won’t, until someone calls him out about it during one of his regular “press availabilities.”
If the press won’t do it, seems to me that he’s home free without needing to have an actual plan.
Those of us that actually live in his district tend to appreciate Al’s work for not just us, but the entire state of Colorado.
Its nice to have someone representing me that isn’t a partisan hack and actually takes their job seriously.
Now you can go back to your trolling and Penry worship.
Some of the cuts they are looking at are for law enforcement that work on holiday weekends such as Labor Day to pull DUI drivers off the roads. They are also paroling a couple of thousand offenders early out of the 23,000+ inmates incarcerated in Colorado.
There are going to be some wildly unpopular cutbacks in the next two years that are most assuredly going to piss some folks off but at this point, I can’t see how it can or will be avoided.
Find another R to primary him.
Oh wait- no rush.
been told that the Repubs who are the very ones always yelling cut, cut, cut are going to try and put Ritter in a vice grips for the criminal justice related cuts. Ritter consulted with law enforcement and DAs before making the cuts, and what other choice is there? Of course, Penry et al smell Red Meat. Even though there are many things that Ritter has done that I don’t support, I have read his plan for cuts and it could be much workse for programs that protect the vulnerable and the public.
Agree with all the sentiments about Al White and that there would be more Rs in the GA if there were more like him.
for me to complement Al, but, compared to my representatives, Penry and Bradford, he’s a breathe of fresh air. He doesn’t do much, but at least he is adult and, apparently, pretty forthright.