( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
Decided after two ballots. From the Loveland Connection:
Brian DelGrosso, a 37-year-old Domino’s Pizza chain owner, was selected Thursday night as Loveland’s new representative in the Colorado House.
DelGrosso won a Larimer County GOP selection committee vote Thursday for House District 51 to replace former Rep. Don Marostica, who stepped down from the job last month to become the state’s economic development director.
DelGrosso may have been the most surprised person at Loveland’s Pullium Community Building when he won the majority vote, beating four other candidates in voting of two ballots, including well known local Republicans Tom Buchanan, Kevan McNaught and Kari Koppes.
According to the article, 54 out of 69 members of the HD-51 Republican vacancy committee showed up. DelGrosso received 29 votes on the second ballot.
Update: Via comments, check out this State Bill Colorado post which has video of all the candidates and the vote breakdown.
Another update: Kevin Lundberg opened the meeting with an endorsement and nomination of Kevan McNaught–who tried to address his residency problem. But McNaught only got 8 votes in the first round and was out on the second ballot.
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Pols readers: Judge for yourself: http://www.statebillnews.com/?…
Thanks for noticing.
Here is an update from a local Republican activist:
Some funny observations about former HD-52 Rep. Bob McCluskey, who kept trying to address the committee, but was ruled out of order.
Twas – any insight into which “wing” of the Larimer GOP this guy falls into?
Never heard of the guy. Here’s the Berthoud Recorder:
So in terms of fiscal reality, it’s the GOP-preferred, “Everything’s great, what’s the worry?”
That company has donated in the past to groups like Operation Rescue and is a regular in campaign donation to any anti-gay ballot measure or group.
The Michigan based founder of Dominoes is a die hard conservative Republican activist with a strong social conservatism agenda. But, typically, a franchise agreement is all business and there isn’t much room for politics and religion to overlap with pizza slinging; Dominoes has not meaningfully positioned itself as a socially or politically activist company in its marketing.
There are some seemingly apolitical franchises (e.g. at least one of the major real estate chains, a major exercise chain and a direct marketing chain that I know of) that conservative or religious agendas built into their behind the scenes franchise system culture, but those seem to be the exception. I am not aware that Dominoes is one of them.
I suspect that small business life is a greater Republican pull for him than the founders of the chain. In recent history, small business owners have leaned Republican, mostly due to tax, tort reform and regulatory issues, often in a Chamber of Commerce kind of way. But, small business Republicans vary a great deal on non-regulatory and social issues.
The Loveland paper almost surely has it wrong when it says that “Brian DelGrosso, a 37-year-old Domino’s Pizza chain owner[.]”
I suspect that they mean that he is a “Domino’s Pizza franchise owner” (i.e. that he owns one or a few of its stores pursuant to a franchise agreement with the central company in Michigan. Saying he owns “the chain” would seem to indicate that he is a part owner of the central company.